17 October 2007

What causes a poor work ethic among student-athletes?

I really like your topic, I think it is one that is very salient in our lives as college students and can develop into a really good project. I think you have a lot of work to do, there is a lot of blank space, but you have a good foundation. I really like your navigation that you emulated after the Apple Homepage. The black on white is very simple, which makes it easy to read and clear. There are a lot of outside links in some of your hypertext paragraphs, but none in the others. I think it is distracting to have too many links to other pages on one webpage. I really like how you titled the navigation, straight and to the point. Each page is consistent with the overall theme, which is very important, so I think you have a great basis. Some more images, perhaps some audio and video components would be helpful in really grabbing the audience's attention.

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