17 October 2007

Localism in Paradise

It seems as though the main point you are making is that Localism on the beaches of Hawaii is dangerous, but necessary. You later give information about proper surf etiquette and even provide a link to specifics (but there is no link available to click on). Continuing through the hypertext, the issue about localism becomes more of an issue about respect - both for the locals, as well as the land and water. Your ideas are strongly linked to one another, which makes for a strong central argument. You also seem to use slang throughout the hypertext, giving it a personal feel, but for someone who has never heard of the slang then maybe you can offer definitions - or a link to a page within your hypertext that gives definitions to the slang that is commonly used both at the beaches and in your hypertext as well. The navigation at the bottom of the pages seems as though it is all one link, until you click each link. Maybe you could space the links out at the bottom of the pages, it's just a suggestion, as I thought it was one link until i started to going through the hypertext.

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