17 October 2007

"Good Writing" for Hypertext

Strain talks about some great tips in general for writing and then gets specific for creative, analytical, and hypertext writing. I definitely need to revise the writing in my hypertext essay to include less 'to be' verbs and passive voice. I also have included "I think" a few times, which Strain says to avoid. And as I said before, I want to include more outgoing links so that more people can have opinions on my page. I did not learn that much from Griffith, although I did like his analogy to the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories. Websites are indeed like that because we can click on any link and decide what we want to read. I have enough links on my main page, but I think I will include a few more on some of my other pages.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I also used I think and I believe much too frequently in my essay, and now I see why that is ineffective.