17 October 2007

Good Writing in a Hypertext

To me, it seems like good writing in a hypertext doesn't overwhelm you at all. It is very simple, to the point, and doesn't look like a 5 paragraph essay. In Griffith's writing (the 3rd link) i really think he did a relatively good job of doing this.

There are obviously some points where it seems like the information is too much; however, he breaks it up nicely into bullets and links to other areas in order to keep your attention as a reader. I really like Griffith's idea of saying that instead of writing a linked essay, focus more on a central "theme" and then branch off, leaving the decision up to the reader as to how he or she wants to gather the information. He also says that an effective web page is written like a "web"... not that there's a direct path that you should walk on, but a circle of connections between all of the sites.

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