17 October 2007

Post 3

- "Hypertext" means "non-sequential writing" where the reader has a certain amount of control over the direction and flow of the paper. That can mean many
things. In their simplest form, (in the context of this assignment) hypertext links can serve as a way for you to make "linkages" between what you're talking
about in your essay and other texts or images that are located somewhere else. -Randy Bass, English Department, Georgetown University

I need to change my hypertext less linear, as I mentioned earlier. I have control over my entire essay and I guess I have to loosen control. I need to make more links in between topics and pages. I need more subtopics in general.

1 comment:

Jessica Barnette said...

im a big fan of letting the reader navigate where they want to go. you have the control on what information you want to present and how you are going to present it, but allow the reader to easily navigate throughout your work so they have some freedom as to how they learn about the issue you are bringing up.