17 October 2007

Poor Work Ethic in Student Athletes

I like your site, yet I there are just a couple of issues that would maybe be a ltitle better. Your site has a lot of good information, and is actually related to the site that I am doing. Also, the organization is very good as well, except that for the buttons on your navigation, it takes a double click in order to get to the page that I am trying to get to. Also, your site would really benefit from some sort of attention grabbing intro page, something that locked the reader on to what you were trying to say. I'm probably just going to put some sort of animation or video file in mine, and I think it would work really well on yours. Also, the lack of pictures on your site kind of makes it dark to look at. The addition of pictures would be really beneficial in helping the reader to visualize with their imagination, and maybe even take them back to their own experience. Links to outside pages would also be good as well, but I know that there are very few sites that are related to the topics that are being discussed in your site. I like your site a lot, just make sure to make it a bit more visually interesting and organized maybe in a little bit better way.

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