17 October 2007

how relationships are affected by the internet

i really like the layout of the website, it is simple yet stands out (i like the bright colors, so the pink on the black really gets my attention). i liked the vantage points page, because although there is a lot of writing, making them points make it easier to read and make me want to read it. i also like how the last link is a link that offers solutions to prevent people from living in such a technical world.

i think that this draft definitely answers the main topic stated on the splash page, it is also organized very well and is easy to navigate. each link is very clear so i know what topic will be talked about next.

you should maybe try inserting more pictures within the text like the "who's affected" page, that may make it a little less overwhelming for the reader. break up the writing somehow to make it look less like an essay. some pages don't have any pictures. here's a few design errors i found: the links on the splash page are in a different order than the other pages, it made me a little confused, also the border on some pages are white, did you mean to do that or did you want them all pink?

the splash page clearly tells me what will be in the pages to come, very well done!

a lot of the time i just got stuck reading because there was a lot of writing (not that it was choppy or unclear or anything).

the thing that pops out the most is the part about chatting and how you must guess at what others are trying to say and how they are trying to say it because it realates a lot to me. i like that the reader can relate to the writer!

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