17 October 2007

strain and griffith

i really liked strain's website because it was very simple. i liked how almost every page was a different color and the links on the bottom made it look more professional. the only thing bad about this website is that there is a lot of words. griffith's website looked really long, but if you look closer, then you would see that his website is actually just one page and the links at the top just brought you to the top of each title. the other links took me to other websites, but a lot of them didn't work so that wasn't too good. when i design my essay, i will make sure that my links work.


Thrasymachus said...

Griffith's page was really informative and useful, but I didn't like the lack of navigation between points. I guess it was effective because the reader could just scroll down and all, but makes it less flashy and independent.

Annie said...

I agree, none of the links worked which I found really aggrivating, they were just distracting. I need to make sure that all my links are valid and active, or else the reader will just get frustrated and not be able to understand my point of view.