24 April 2007

Reading Diary of FFN

When reading this I felt disgusted and extremely sad at the state the United States work force is in right now. I have to say, when I use to see the old men and women working at fast food restaurants it use to make me smile. But before you guys call me a sadist, let me explain. I smiled because I was happy that at that at their age these old folks are still able to work. However this book has opened my eyes, they don't have a choice, they work to barely make rent and adequately feed themselves. And to work your whole lives and still have to work when you're 60 years old at a place that mistreats you and takes advantage of your ignorance is the true tragedy.

I was truly shocked by the statistic that "roughly four or five fast food workers are now murdered on the job every month" (Schlosser: 83). That such an amazingly high number that you would expect that they are doing something about it, but they're not. These corporations don't care, as long as it's not them that are put in such a dangerous position they don't care. Because why spend money protecting your employees when your employees are dispensable. I bet they're way of thinking is that it is cheaper to not improve anything and just have to constantly hire new people, to them their employees ARE DISPENSABLE, and this way of thinking is DESPICABLY.

I felt sick in my stomach when reading about the late night cleaning crew and the slaughter house workers. I was barely able to sit through that, surpressing the overwhelming urge to throw up.

Something has to be done, or soon no food will be safe to eat and ethics in the business world will cease to exist.


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