11 April 2007

Mike Madavi's Resignation

Dear America,

I would like to renounce my citizenship. You are not who you used to be when we met. I can’t do this anymore. Your government is running wild. You see America, your really powerful. I don’t think you understand exactly how much control you have over world affairs. The lesson it seems you never learned is great power comes with great responsibility. Your leaders are not responsible people America. Your president is an idiot. Your vice president is a criminal. They should both be impeached along with heir secretary of state. You need a peace-loving leader, not a liar. He tried to spy on me, America. He tried to spy on my neighbor just because she is Middle Eastern. Your vice president wanted to torture people. Your president told his scientists to not talk about global warming so much. I think it’s pretty important to talk about global warming. I don’t know why your president wants us to ignore it? Your war on “terrorism” is not going so hot. You’ve killed a lot of innocent people who didn’t deserve to die. You killed a lot of soldiers with families. All of their friends were affected by it too. That sucks a lot America. You’re ruining the Middle East. You’re causing a mockery of their culture. You’re branding them as threats. You’re fighting a war against a concept. You’re repeating Vietnam. You’re not doing what your citizens are telling you. You’re running wild and amuck. You’re dangerous. You’re bad.

Your priorities are all out of line. You used to know what you stood for and you used to be a great place for people to come and live. Now when they get here, your friend capitalism greets them. You sell them things they don’t really need or want. Your tell them that watching dumb TV shows is way more important than learning about the world around them. You make them lazy and ignorant America. You are a drug. You dumb them down and addict them to you. It’s terrible to have to witness. No one can get help. Everywhere we turn, I see more people and advertisements telling me that I am still incomplete. They tell me I need to dress a certain way to make friends. They tell me I should watch boring movies that are filled with explosion after explosion. They tell me to listen to stupid, recycled, unimaginative, unmotivated, manufactured, corporate music. You want my ears to rot off hearing the same boring song sang in a different key. You don’t tell me to read. You don’t tell me to find independent media. You don’t tell me to exercise (but you still want me to have a perfect body). It’s really hard to please you America. I don’t want to give up my identity just so some 6 huge, fat corporations can gain more belly weight. They’re reallllllllyyy fat already. They should give money away. They should get split up. Without variety, you’re becoming boring. You’re not the country I wanted to be with so long ago. That’s why I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. Don’t try to call. Goodbye.



Anonymous said...

pretty good alot of what you said is true. I like the part about fat america, it was pretty funny.

Fertelmeister said...

You have a strong opinion, but perhaps you should stray slightly from the bandwagon reasons for opposing the Bush administration. If you add a little bit of unique/original arguments the piece will be stronger

Caitlin Mallory said...

Yay I wrote about this too! Good choice :)