11 April 2007

I Resign from the Boomers

The Office of Generation Y

Permanent Location TBA

April 10th, 2007

It is with great honor and privilege that I have served humbly before you, the baby boomer generation, for over 20 years. I am in your debt for all that you have done to bring me into a safe, free world, and so it is with great sorrow that I give you this, my resignation, effective immediately.

I simply feel as though America is in a place now where no amount of my toils will have an impact, and it is time for me to allow new leadership to take this county on the course to freedom. I therefore submit to you my resignation from service to your cause, effective immediately.

My hope is that a better-prepared generation of youth will follow me with the capacity to fix all of our problems. Perhaps this is the very same feeling you boomers had when you decided to alienate us from the rest of the world, making us the target of hatred and disdain in a clumsy act of bettering the world. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t think anyone is capable of fully digging America out of this big, nightmarish, gaping hole that we continue to wallow in. Thank you baby boomers, on behalf of your children, for making America the number one leader in waste, for defacing what little public image we once had, and for simultaneously mismanaging and ignoring critical emergencies both at home and abroad, without missing a single beat on the war-drum.

In your attempt to be free-spirited individuals, free of the corrupt government scandals, you have managed to neglect and minimize catastrophic events on the world stage. The generation of your fathers that you so loathed has been hypocritically replaced, and you stand awkwardly in big, empty shoes that once appeared so easy to fill. Whether your great weakness is ignorance or bliss, your generation stands with its hands in deep pockets, spending carelessly on simple things while yet another preventable epidemic of poverty and homelessness, domestic and foreign alike, reaches out in vain. Progress has been made, but in the name of what? Family and morality constantly weaken and wane as a backlash to the establishment you once so deeply protested, but the truth is your eagerness to go to war stems from a fear of the very wave of change you created..

Easily the biggest mistake of your generation is creating mine. To sit back and blame the upcoming generation of youth for apathy and carelessness is to flip off oneself in the mirror. Parenting is not a cable TV channel, and the enormous emphasis you place on education comes not from your value of academia, but the easing effect you feel it has on raising a child. Public school is not a free daycare for children, and medication not an answer to the child that never learned restraint from mommy and daddy. Parenting seems to be a game of finger-pointing for you, with parents teaching only blame and a lack of personal responsibility; it truly shows in the weakness of character I feel in peers around me. How can you boomers expect the next generation to condone your actions, let alone carry them on? What is left for us but to try and create a new image for ourselves? What is left for us but hopelessness and fear for our country’s image? I choose to leave your baby boomer organization of ignorance and corruption, just as you attempted to leave the generation before, and just as the next generation of children will follow suit in the future.

Cheerfully Yours,

Nick W

-On Behalf of Generation Y


byron m boon said...

i hate old people. we should use them as fuel. quote me on that.

Jordan said...

stick em in a jar and use their body heat to power the earth. But seriously, where you could go with this is any myriad of directions. This is such a large topic i'd suggest narrowing it down a bit to a specific area of the babyboomer generation. Maybe something about the ridiculous strain they put on our economy and all of us. Stick it to em