30 May 2007

critical thinking def.

"Broadly speaking, critical thinking is concerned with reason, intellectual honesty, and open-mindedness, as opposed too emotionalism, intellectual laziness, and closed-mindedness. Thus, critical thinking involves: following evidence where is leads; considering all possibilites; relying on reason rather that emotion; being precise; .. being aware of one's own prejudices and biases, etc.."
-Kurland, Daniel J.
--> This quote I mentioned above describes my version of critical thinking very nicely. Open-mindedness comes to mind right off the bat when I think of 'critical thinking', because I find it to be a key component to being successful to reach utmost learning potential. I came into this class with closed-mindedness to begin, and once Bousquet forced me to be more open, I actually find it to help. As much as I would have liked to be hard headed (like usual), I must admit it helped reach quality critical thinking. Through hypertext is was much easier to follow evidence around the internet and such to be critical in my evaluation of sources, there usefulness, and so forth. Over all this quote is definitely the one that hits the idea of "Critical Thinking" home with me!

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