09 May 2007

The Most Annoying Job

“Ring. Ring” You leave your seat at the dinner table and enter the kitchen. Walking towards the counter on which the telephone rests you wonder who would be calling at dinnertime. You answer nicely and are immediately greeted with a mispronunciation of your name. It’s a telemarketer trying to sell you some useless product you don’t need. Is there anything more frustrating than being interrupted in the middle of something important to be bothered by a complete stranger for a useless purpose? Now, as I see it, you have three options: 1. You could respond with a witty comment that you could tell you friends about later. “I’m sorry; could I get your number so that I can call you in the middle of dinner with your family?” 2. You could kindly say no thank you and ask them to remove you from their list. Or 3. you could actually need a new insurance policy or want to enter a drawing for a new car and choose to stay on the line and talk to them. The majority of people do not choose the third option and, in fact, most would say that telemarketers are one of the biggest annoyances. But have you ever wondered what it was like to be a telemarketer? Who is that voice on the end of the line? Have to deal with grouchy people all day and talking about something you probably don’t care much about- it doesn’t seem like a glamorous job, to say the least. I want to explore the telemarketing career and show a new side to a topic I think people are only too familiar with.

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