23 May 2007

Critical Thinking

"Critical thinking is deciding rationally what to or what not believe." Norris, Stephen P.
This statement relates to my hypertext because my research on strippers helped me to make my own educated opinion of strippers work. My instinctual reaction was one of disgust, but after I found that I can see strippers more as real people who are struggling for their rights. I think the word "rationally" is very important because research allows a person to make a knowlegeable educated statement about a topic. Hypertext helps me to learn about the world and make my own opinions of what I find in it.

"Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome" Halpern, Diane F. I think this is also a very important statement in terms of writing hypertext because I found in my paper that really reflecting on the information that I learned from my research and then trying to explain my conclusions in an understandable manner is very important helps me to learn about it. I also think that a "desirable outcome" is an important aspect of critical thinking, because a writer should understand what he or she is trying to say. In many of my papers once I have written one draft I find that I have gotten lost in my writing and don't have clear point.

"Critical thinking skill: understanding the meaning of a statement." This is extremely important for both the author and the reader. A clear understanding of one's own ideas is very important because if the author does not know exactly what he or she is writing about it definitely won't be understood by the reader. Sometimes I think the hardest part of writing an essay for me is understanding exactly what I want to say and illustrate to the reader. I find that a lot of times I have to write a draft and then take a step back for some time and really try to understand what I want to focus on. I think the more a paper has a clear meaning the better it is.


Betsy said...

I agree with your third comment. I often need to look at my website holistically and remember what I am trying to portray overall.

Caitlin Mallory said...

I think it's really interesting that you chose to write about a profession that you were originally disgusted with. I think it shows that lack of information greatly biases how people think. When I was telling someone about my project, they respond by saying, "why don't they just quit?" which is something I had actually thought of as well, but after doing the research I came to appreciate the workers and understand how hard or impossible it is to "just quit."

Fertelmeister said...

I find it interesting that you have changed your mind about the topic and chose to defend it, simply because so many people still find strippers repulsive.