10 October 2007

Review of My Site and Ideas From Other Sites

My project is about the difficulties of a felon after he is released from jail. My site is basically in its final form, minus some text and some revisions I am going to mention below.

1. Link location- I think links are nice within the essay, but sometimes they can be eye-sores. I plan to keep my top links at all times and include links to the other pages in my site but with the same font and the same color just underlined.
2. Quotes- I really liked the use of quotes in one of the essays that I examined, and I thought that would be a nice thing to add to the top area of my pages.
3. Emotionallity - I enjoyed the emotionality of the page of "Child Labor in China" I would like to add some more emotion in my website because it is very dry at this point.
4. I liked the journals that were included in the website- and I plan to use something similar with my uncle's letters to me.
5. Home page- I want to make sure at all times people can access the "main" page of my essay. on some essays it was somewhat difficult to manage to get back to home. I plan to create an icon that is on every page that will take you home. I plan to make this towards the bottom so it isn't in the way.

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