31 October 2007

HT2 proposal

I plan to write about Nike sweatshop workers. I chose Nike because it is the biggest name in athletic apparel, similar to McDonalds being the biggest name in the fast food industry. I also chose Nike because I’ve some things about the workers of sweatshops, so I want to do some research to see what I can find about what goes on. I’m thinking about the sweatshops run in China, but I haven’t done any research yet, so when I do, I’ll probably see where most of their factories are. I read some interesting things about sweatshops in America in The Working Poor. One thing that amazed me was that the workers are paid by the piece, and a very experienced, very skilled worker could make minimum wage if they worked at a feverish pace (78). Another thing was that one of the workers said that it cost $2 to pay the people who make one pair of pants (79). If this is how it is in American sweatshops, how cheap is it in foreign ones? Hopefully I will be able to find out when writing this hypertext essay.

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