10 October 2007

Plan for my HyperText Essay

Like the "Disparity at SCU" site, I would like to have my navigation bar on the top with flash button links to all the pages in my essay. This way it will be easier to get to the other pages of my essay. And like the "Garment Sweatshops" page, I would like to have a title bar with images on both sides. Perhaps two different images instead of the same image. I do not want a title page like the one from the "Migrant Farm Workers" website. Although this did catch my attention, it is a little confusing and hard to navigate. Like the "Nail Technicians" website I would like to have a page of Statistics, which I could include the chart I already have on my site. But unlike that site, I think I want to have the same type of design for each page so that it will be less confusing. Also, like in the "Sweatshops in the Bay Area" site, I want to have some pictures next to my links to make the pages look better.

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