10 October 2007

hypertext essay #1

My hypertext essay is about make-up and how it affects not only the people who wear it. The website i found the most interesting was the nail technician one. I liked the background and the how the text was really big. The picture was also very big; everything about it was eye catching. The site wasn't so bright that hurt my eyes, but it still stood out compared to the rest. If i were to make changes to my page i would add picture links that would change when hovered over. I would also try to make my text contrast more with the background so it's easier to see especially on my personal pages. A lot of the pages were also very simple so it's easy to navigate. I hope to learn how to use layers so i can make my page look better.


moniquetex said...

I like the topic and think its great because you can use bold colors and eye catching pictures to catch peoples attention. I agree with you about the nail technician website- the text was very big and easy to read making the site more easily navigable. It is a great idea to have the text contrast and pop out with the background, it makes it easier to read and more pleasant to look at. Lastly i really like your layering idea. Its a great way to add a professional edge yet simple enough!!

Great work

i said...

hey meilinnn..
i saw your website earlier today and i liked it a lot. it was already easy to navigate through and the color scheme was done really well. I think if you added some flash pictures and then figured out how to link them, it would add a lot to your site. i also liked the nail website because the the picture(s) on the first page caught my eye and drew me on, something that would also be good if you did. other than that..good job on your site so far.