10 October 2007

Hypertext Essay

My hypertext essay is on Nike's use of outsourcing. It looks at its history, facts sheet, what the customers think, what the workers want, nike's press, nike's business moves, effects on US business, protesting and future adjustments.
5 Comparisons:
1. I like the idea of using quotes and pictures to illustrate points. I think using quotes from knowledgeable people on the subject offers a insightful edge to the topic,
2. I enjoyed how the pictures changed when the mouse was over it. I like the idea of multiple pictures existing in the same space.
3. I want to add more hyperlinks within the text. That allows one point to be explained further without having everything on one page.
4. I think having the navigation bar at the top of the screen is a good alternative location. That way it doesn't get in the way of the content of the page.
5. Having the background be a picture is a great idea as long as it does not interfere with the visibility of the text.


Jack S said...

Not having too much text on any given page is a good idea. I think too much text will not be inviting to whoever is looking at the site. Having links on the words gives whoever is looking at your site the option to go learn more if they choose.

jching said...

I too like the idea of using quotes and pics to illustrate points, it sounds like you have a good direction of what you want your design to look like. The navigation bar at the top of the screen sounds good too

Sc0tt said...

Well, I'll agree with the other two and say that too much text clutters everything and almost turns the reader off. Short and sweet is always good- if you want to take a look into writing a lot, however, my advice is to kinda link paragraphs together into key ideas with your writing.

Travis Lee said...

Using quotes is a great idea. If they have any meaning, quotes lighten up a page and provide a little creativity. Plus they provide opportunity for other links.

Hey Man said...

HYPERLINKS! Well, that's a new one for me. I must heat more, but later. Right now, I like the idea of the mouse over the ppicture and it changes, that is awesome. The navigation bar idea is a good one too, out of the way and organized. Background as a picture sounds tricky, but I bet you could do it. If you do i hope to see your website, I think I am since we are in the same class.