10 October 2007

Previous Hypertext Essays

In viewing previous hypertext essays, there are many aspects that I seemed to have caught notice of. First off, I like how each website was inter-linked with the other pages to give you a feeling as if it was never-ending, and the links themselves were words or phrases that seemed to lead you into that specific idea, or webpage. Everything seemed to flow well, which is something that I'm going to need to work on in my hypertext essays. Also, one of the hypertext essays ("Disparity at SCU") looks similar to an online magazine or journal, and it also reads like one too. It seems to give the webpages a feel that is very informative, yet casual in its design. I probably will not be able to come up with a design similar to this, but its a nice change compared to the other hypertext essays that are up to view. I like the use of graphs to help display information, and the pictures often tell you a story by themselves. This is an aspect that I will most likely use for my hypertext essay.

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