10 October 2007

Hypertext Essay 1

My essay is about death, although not any particular aspect of it. It explores many different angles of death, including the fear of it, death in religion, remembering the deceased, how people deal with it, the search for immortality. etc. 5 comparisons:
1. I saw a quote on a page in one of the pages i looked at, so i will take that idea. I will have a quote on the top of every page of my essay
2. I liked in one that i looked at that there was a separate page for each topic of the essay, not just a new paragraph. Therefore, mine will have a new page for each new topic
3. I did not like the fact in one of them that it had no navigation tools, only links within the text. I will not do that it seems to poorly organized
4. I liked the darker colors with lighter text on some of the pages. Given my topic, i think that a darker background would be better for some of the pages
5. I liked the feature when you scroll over a picture it changes to another one. This could be well used with the topic of death, take a picture of a live person then when moused over, it changes to a dead one.


Trenton Zane said...

I agree with you about the links in the text. Although they can be used effectively, I found them distracting, especially because they would just take you to a page you could get at using their navigation bar.

Jack S said...

I think some of your ideas are good here. The fact that you are going to try and use some design techniques to also enhance your topic is interesting, and I think will really make your site stand out. The idea such as the scroll on the picture feature could work really well.

Hey Man said...

I agree, quotes are cool to do and they give more meaning behind what your topic is. The navigation bar idea is a keeper and so picture thing. I loved that idea. And for the coloring, let's just say I love COLORS, so the idea of dark background and light text is an brilliant idea. You are heading in the right direction. Keep it up and I hope to see your website in the futre.