15 October 2007

Website Improvements

By looking at the sites provided on Marc's page, I discovered some organizational and aesthetic techniques that ultimately improved the author's site. By using similar colors, patterns and site structures throughout the pages of the hypertext, the author brought continuity and simplicity to his or her pages. Using similar or the same colors and by building each page the same way, the background wasn't distracting and the focus could be on the information. A great example is in the Child Labor hypertext by Shannon Kwok.
Also, effectively using pictures strengthens the author's message. A good picture really adds to the page, such as one that strongly correlates to that page's focus, like in the Migrant Farm Workers hypertext splashpage.
Using a simple design with easy navigability made me want to continue reading, rather than give up because I couldn't focus or couldn't find my way around. Also, it focuses the reader on the important things, such as the words or even just a picture or graphic. I liked this in the Nail Technicians hypertext.
In-text links showed not only that a little extra work was put into the page, but also adds that extra information that allows you to more fully learn about the subject. Strippers as Low Wage Workers had a lot of extra information available through in-text links.
Strong opening statements that draw the reader in and make him or her want to continue reading are useful tools as well. As in Living the Low Wage Life: Prison Industry, quotes or statements that really bring the message home add to the impact of the hypertext.

My page

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