15 October 2007


There were several design ideas that some of the other students had that I liked. I'm not sure which of these I like, but they both refer to the first page. The first is using a picture and a simple statement as an entrance to the site, as used in the child scavengers site. The second is for the main homepage and has quote headline, with a picture or an intro in the center, which was done for the morticians page. The navigation links are then all around the sides. I might try and find some way to combine these ideas. One thing I noticed when I was looking at all the sites is that it is much more assuring to the reader when the inner pages (not including the homepage, have a consistent structure and that there are always link to get them back to where they were. A few sites also had links at the bottom of their site for links that did directly involve the content of the hyper text essay (ex. print version, bibliography,etc.), I think I will try and incorporate this into my page as well. Several of the authors broke up their pages with pictures and/or put different paragraphs in different colors. This helped with the organization of the site. I also like the use of the 3D navigation bar as used in the garment workers page. These are all aspects which I wish to incorporate into my own Here is a link to my site: http://itrs.scu.edu/faculty/Bousquet/fall07/Bousq2/EZavala_fall07/essay1.htm

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