10 October 2007

The Plan on Updating my Website

Looking at these other sites has really allowed me to narrow and decide what i want my site to really look like. I'm not too big of a fan of the "boxed" look idea; I'm definitely looking to have a unconventional appearance to my site, maybe not with so much look as if I was confined to writing in a box. I currently have a navigation bar on the side of my website, and after looking at numerous pages today, I've decided to go for a navigation bar on the top... it just looks more professional to me and it's much easier to use.
For the navigation bar, i plan to use a consistent button context for simplicity's sake. In terms of my color scheme, i really think I'm going to do pretty much a consistent scheme for the entire hypertext essay; I really liked the consistency of the "Prison Workers" and the "Vietnamese Nail Technicians" papers. For my homepage, i plan on not having too much blank space either; more along the lines of pictures in conjunction with words. That was another thing I didn't really like about some of the essays I read today, was that some seemed like there was too much blank space... case in point, the Migrant Farm Workers essay. Granted, i really liked the intro page to that site. If i can find some sort of a controversial image like that that pertains to my topic (The Concept of the American Dream in Today's Society), then I'd really like to intro my page with that.

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