10 October 2007

My Dream Website

My Website
  • Colorful Background and Text
  • Information, simplified enough where it is not overwhelming to read
  • Menu easily accessible and Consistent
  • Pictures not pixilated, they will be clear and easy to see.

Peoples Websites
  • When looking at example websites from other students I noticed that Living Wage at SCU didn't seem organized. It didn't really have a main menu and things were all over the place.
  • Ministry to ex-convict was boring to me. It didn't really catch my attention. The background color stayed the same the whole time, but I did like the consistence of the menu and having links to the homeboy websites. I also didn't like the pixilated pictures.


Thrasymachus said...

Are you going to have a consistent color theme, or vary the colors with the pages?

Smoked Gouda said...

True, I hate pixilated pictures, it's like you're trying to play video games from 30 years ago! I agree that websites should catch your attention and your colorful site hopefully will do the trick. Maybe some sweet business interviews will spice it up. Who will you interview first?
Good Luck Pirate Friend!

Hey Man said...

thrasymachus... I will be having many different colors. All with dark background and light text or something along that line.

i said...

i think that if you had information on your page that was spaced out and not too concentrated people won't be drawn back from it compared to a page that was fully informational. also, easy navigation is a plus