11 April 2007

Dear School

Dear School,

I resign! For all the meaningless assignments which get me nowhere, for the layers upon layers of bureaucracy which make me want to take a sledge hammer to it all, and for the façade of structure and meaning: I've had enough. Those who take school seriously, live in the library and raise their hand to ask and to answer everything make me vomit. If I hear one more "Professor, could you explain your last point from a Machiavellian perspective" I am seriously going postal.

It's the small things which have gotten to me. I get annoyed when professors scribble ridiculous concepts and problems on the board and then look like the class is retarded when no one asks questions. What everyone really is asking is WTF??? There was one professor I had which made every lecture a Chinese torture session. Every time he started a sentence he made the sound that is made when chewing gum with an open mouth. What's more is he would record his lectures to listen to later, magnifying the annoyingness of his speech. Studying for a test was like decoding the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

But it's more than the small things. The whole concept of school is bogus. Lets just stick a bunch of people in a room and have them be talked to, make them do pointless homework, and then test them on things which they won't need to know when they go to work in the real world. Ya, great idea. If school is so great then why did Bill Gates drop out? Yah you educators, would more school have made him a better person? Apparently it didn't.

I hate how it makes people fake. You have to be fake to get ahead in school. Do you honestly think that people would rather be stuck in office hours than tanning at the beach? Would people rather do that extra credit for math than video games? Nay. People do it because they think everyone else is, and no one wants to be behind someone else, even if it is for something that doesn't mean anything. People will do it because they believe it has an impact but in reality it doesn't. People will act so they get ahead, even if it means lying to themselves. Fakeness sucks.

School gives people excuses to meet people, people who they would normally never even talk to. This may seem like a positive but it couldn't be anything but a good thing. Once a class is over, there is no reason to converse. No assignments to work on. No professor to bitch about. No reason to know each other. It reaffirms the illusion which is school.

Lastly I hate people whose self worth is proportional to their GPA, test scores, class load, extracurriculars, and quantity of letters of recommendation. Hence at this point, I hate myself. I cannot stand be one of those people anymore. School, please accept this letter of resignation.



NW said...

You have bold points and passion that demonstrates the honesty and overwhelming helplessness you feel. The connection with egyptian hierogliphs is strong and accurate. Continue with that course and focus more on the people that encourage that sort of professing.

reyn said...

You are humorous, yet totally truthful in what you say. Being a college student I can sympathize with you. Egyptian heirogliphics.. so true.