11 April 2007

I resign from napping

Dear naps,

I want to make this clear to everyone. I don’t hate you all. In fact, I love the naps where you can fall asleep and wake up whenever your body tells you that you are fully rested. I’m sure everybody likes those. But who the hell has time to take long naps? I know that I sure don’t. I always have to set my alarm for some reason or another.

You are deceiving. Time and time again, you have lured me into thinking that I need you. I start feeling tired, and all I can think about is taking a nap. I set aside whatever I was doing, and promise to come back to it in an hour or so, setting my alarm to ensure that I don’t fall asleep until the next morning. Then, for some reason, I can’t fall asleep. You make me think I need it, when I can’t even fall asleep. I swear that for the one hour that I allot myself to take a nap, half of it goes into actually getting myself to nap. It seems like just after I finally get some sleep, my alarm chimes to wake me up. Knowing that I just wasted half of my naptime lying in bed and not napping makes me grumpy. What a waste of time. I feel like I shouldn’t have even napped in the first place. What’s more, I feel even more tired now than I did before I napped. All I want to do is go back to sleep but a) I don’t have the time anymore, now that I’ve wasted it, and b) It would probably take me another half hour just to fall asleep again. Why do I even give in and take naps in the first place? It’s because you are a misleading, good for nothing, prick, that plays with my head for your own selfish intentions.

Therefore, I am saying goodbye to you, naps. You will try to make me want you, but will no longer be successful. I now know of your cunning ways. You make me think that I will feel better by giving in, but I know that you don’t give a rat’s ass how I feel. From now on, whenever I feel you trying to persuade me, I will suck it up. Yeah, you heard me. I am going to suck it up, get my shit done, and then go to bed until I am ready to wake up. Go waste someone else’s time.



Betsy said...

i agree. screw naps!

deb said...

You should maybe write your essay on sleep deprivation. You might really feel stronly about it. I know I do :)

Jordan said...

screw naps, but they feel soooooo good! Ya i wish i never had to take a nap and could just get shit done. Write something about the number of naps college students take and the amount of productivity they lose from it. i dunno