Dear Cell Phone Companies,
Damn you cell phone companies and your constant, unnecessary improvements. You improve your phones by adding new features that appeal simply to the entertainment-hungry side of your customers, serving no purpose to the efficiency or convenience of your phones. Nonetheless, people are persuaded to buy your phones because of this, and pay more money for these improvements which really have no purpose aside from entertainment. I’m letting you know right now that I resign from being your customer, and will no longer be persuaded to buy a cell phone just because it has a 3.2 mega pixel camera built in to it, or because it has friggin internet access. I work hard for my money and I refuse to waste it on useless crap. The cell phone was made for one reason, which was to be a portable phone through which one individual could talk to another.
Now tell me, how does a built in camera increase the efficiency of a portable phone? Is it really necessary to have such a powerful camera in something that isn’t even supposed to be a camera? This camera, in case you haven’t noticed, does more damage than good. For example, it allows perverts to sneak under-skirt shots of girls’ underwear. It also offers a distraction for students who are trying so hard to concentrate in class, yet can’t turn down the temptation to take a picture of the hilarious picture they drew in their notebook. Cameras serve no purpose in a cell phone. If you want to take pictures, buy a damn camera. Cameras aside, there is a whole bunch of unnecessary features in modern cell phones which serve no real purpose in terms of a portable phone.
Take for example, the feature that allows users to watch cable television or connect to the internet. Now common, what in all seriousness were you guys thinking? Our society is already brainwashed by the media. Why do you find it necessary to further add to this? You damn well know you guys are wrong here. You are using our addiction to the media to pull us in to paying more and I’m telling you now I won’t be manipulated any more! This is ridiculous; the cell phone is no longer a phone, but rather an entertainment device with the option of talking to another person.
Another feature which is addicting, yet totally pointless, is text messaging. But texting is a way of communication you say? Well let me tell you something, so is talking! Talking, if you actually think about it, is a lot more efficient and a lot easier than typing a text message and then sending it. Even at that, texting in itself is complicated, with the word prediction software predicting wrong words. Then, you send this message with the wrong words and it means something totally different than you intended it to. Then you have to wait for a reply, and sometimes the receiver doesn’t actually receive the message. Even with all these complications, people pay extra to text. You have plans like a thousand text messages for one cent each and people go nuts over this. I mean since when did it become a good thing to pay more for working harder?
Let’s talk about the decrease in size for a moment. This, if anything, I understand has some practical purpose, as it is easier to carry a smaller phone. However, is it really necessary to make it smaller than my damn credit card, or thinner than a pack of gum? It is obvious that you do this so people lose their phones and thus have to buy new ones. Still, many people cannot see this, and are manipulated into thinking that smaller is better. Well not me. I see through your sneaky tactics and I will be made a fool of no more!
I wish we could’ve talked about this in person, but I understand talking isn’t really your thing. Have a great day.
You could talk about why you think people continue to buy them. what really drives them to want a new phone?
Hilarious finish and so true. I would scrath the lens to hell on my camera but I am on a contract and if I did I wouldn't get a new phone for years...perhaps write more about how incredibly unfair the contracts we are forced to sign are.
It's true that cell phone companies do suck people in with new gadgets and gizmos and make people want to buy a new phone six months after their last one. It is ridiculous how fast cellphones are getting generated nowadays,and when a minor improvement added to it, it immediately DOUBLES in price!
Nonetheless, these sell phone sell simply because of the marketing the cellphone companies do. And I have to admit, I like the new gadgets in the cellphones have now.
You could probably make this into a more serious argument. I'm not sure of any facts, but they probably try to make the most profit as possible at the expense of anything.
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