I Resign from Being a College Student
I here by resign my position as a college student at Santa Clara University. I hate how being a student our teachers ask too much of us. Isn’t this our time to party like there is no tomorrow? They not only expect us to show up to all of their classes, but to be time. I thought the whole point of be in college, is to show up to class when ever you want, not having to have your parents to write you a note excusing you from school because you just didn’t feel like going to school. Our teachers slam us with so much homework, thinking that they are the only class a college student has. We have English teachers who think that we should be writing perfect essays once a week, math teachers giving us 20 problems a night, physics teacher making a do 15 problems a week and making us go to a lab once a week as well. If they think all the work they give us is easy then I think they should twice what they give us! It’s tough being a college student. I mean they all say that they were once a college student, but that was like a million years ago, when dinosaurs walked the earth! Having to do all this work in college is crap. I should be able to go out every night, staying out late hanging with the rest of the college population, just living it up. College is all about partying, not work! I will start working when I get out into the real world, not while I am still in college. While I am in college I should be living the dream, partying all night and sleeping all day. Since I am doing so much work and not enough partying at college, I quit! I am not even giving you a 5 minute notification, more like 5 seconds.
Amanda Zelnik
You are preaching to the choir I bet. You said perfectly exactly what the typical college student is thinking. It is humorous that you mention that most teachers expect you to be there everyday and on time, when athlete's like yourself and I, have to juggle weights, conditioning, practice, and physical therapy that is a major demand. This does not reflect our unwillingness to learn but more so reflects that we ARE humans and we do need to sleep, socialize, and relax with out thinking in the back of our heads "oh snap, huge test to study for tonight that is 25% of class grade." Talk about restless nights!!
I agree! You are preaching to the choir!
Pardon me for thinking college was suppose to be fun! It's more like a 'grown-up' high school, with no parents but also no homecooked meals.
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