I am sick and tired of all this talk I here about being a diverse campus, when in reality were not! If you think I am joking take this into account. I am a half white, half Mexican student that does not feel welcome into any of these so called “diverse” actions this campus takes. This school is full of only rich, white, stuck up kids that think they know everything about life when in reality they don’t know shit about the real world. All the diverse clubs around campus see me as one of these kids, while everyone else sees me as a Mexican! This school is run exactly like our country and has the same problems. The rich white man has all the power when he may not even be the most qualified. You live in the most diverse country in the world, so why don’t you get the hell out there and actually find something out about diversity!
Now, I want you to know that I, in no way am discriminating on any student that attends this campus; I am only calling you out. If you actually take a look at the people that work on your staff, you will see that there is only one professor of color who has ten year. This statement is ridiculous when in reality this campus holds so much more potential to have a much more diverse staff of professors than it actually does. I am sick of you calling this campus diverse when all you know that were not!
And what about the students? How come all the rich, stuck up, white kids get the nice dorms (i.e Casa and Sobrato), when the actual diverse ones get shoved off to the back of campus in some of the oldest dorms where the hot water doesn’t even work on a regular basis. Now, I know that the “nice dorms” cost so much more but, are you serious? Of course all you care about is the money right? I mean, I know all the professors around campus hold office hours to be available to their students, but hey, Fr. Locatelli, when the hell was the last time you made the time to talk to your students, besides the first day of school when you kissed my parents ass, and asked us for our life savings? Yeah I also call sucking up to rich, white people and forgetting about the minorities pretty diverse too, so don’t worry your not alone on that one.
You know what you guys should do? No scratch that, I know you don’t know what to do, so I’ll just tell you. Grow up, get out into the real world of today, take a look around, suck up your pride, and actually bring diversity into this campus!! Do something about it!! Help out!! Who are you trying to convince that we are actually diverse, the rest of the world or yourselves, because I’ll tell you this, your definitely not convincing us.
So there, here is my formal resignation as
Mitch Yanez
I like the fire. Take this issue and add a few similar ones perhaps to make a strong essay.
This is a perfect topic for the hypertext essay. On the one hand you have what Santa Clara presents as a diverse campus, when in fact it is really not. Also you could show what positions the people of color actually hold on campus for the most part (janitors, many of those working at Benson etc). How does the school say we are diverse? What are the statistics? Good topic!
i love the passion you have with your letter. i totally understand where you are coming from because i can say that i am white and part of the majority. it hasn't alway been like that for me, i am use to being around many different cultures and here at scu there is hardly any diversity.
ten year = tenure
I live in Casa and I'm not white and I'm not stuck up. But look at many of the people in dorms such as ours and see where you're coming from. Give more evidence to your claims... but overall good letter, great passion.
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