12 June 2007
my final hypertext essay
Here is a link to my site.
06 June 2007
Serving America: The Low-Wage Life of a Restaurant Server
I chose to do my second hypertext on the low-wage life of restaurant servers. The reason I chose to do this topic is because we all come in to contact with them at least once a week and take them for granted on many of these occasions. The topic which I thought was really interesting and thus became the focus of my hypertext is the uniqueness of their low-wage. This uniqueness comes from the fact that a server’s wage is not consistent, and so they never really know exactly how much they are going to make. I thoroughly cover the factors which contribute to this inconsistency, from tips, to the distribution of these tips, to the limited hours. I also cover the effects of this inconsistent tip seen in their lifestyle outside of the work place. With the help of Barbara Ehrenreich’s “Nickel and Dimed” I was able to effectively illustrate the tough lifestyle of a restaurant server and show how they don’t even get a break away from work. Some of the other topics included in my site are the unseen work done by restaurant servers and the health hazards they are exposed to everyday on the job, further emphasizing the suffering they must endure for such low pay. I also define poverty to show how close restaurant servers actually come to the qualification of poverty. I also offer solutions and ways you the customer can help to make the life of a server a little easier and to ensure these low-wage workers have a place to sleep at night.
The following is the link to my “Living the Low-Wage Life” hypertext homepage:
Single-Mothers LINK
^click and enjoy
Low Wage EMS with Nick Welter
My final project deals with EMTs living the low-wage life, and I can say that it is my best work ever. I have attempted to make the site useful for
My hypertext itself is 24 pages, has over 2500 words, with a flat essay of over 2000 words, and harbors multiple links to other resources as well. Despite the difficult trial and error process of finding relevant sources, I managed to incorporate six scholarly sources into my research, and used personal experience as well to form what I believe to be the truth behind low-wage
The technical advances I have made over the quarter are amazing, and I hope it shows in the custom graphics and CSS styling that I have tried to incorporate into the website. My goal was for the website to look professional but clean, keeping in mind that people in the medical profession are often neat freaks when it comes to cleanliness.
I hope that my hypertext will actually be viewed by people, both in this class and the outside world. The people that work in this field are, for the most part, amazingly dedicated to helping others, and if I could help anyone myself I would help them. I hope my hypertext achieves that and shows how much I have developed this quarter.
Single-Mothers summary
I decided to explore the low wage life of a single-mother. Single mother's tend to be stuck in such binds as; doing work they do not wish to do, hours that work around picking their children up or dropping them off, being unable to financially support their children on their own, etc. Mother's who go from married to single or widowed, tend to go from being the nurturing mother, to the nurturing mother who has to bring in the money to support her family. The trouble is that with having the full time job of being a mother, it makes it incredibly difficult to having a lot of job experience to take on a prestigious job. Single mother's go into fields such as day care advisors, maids, waitresses, telemarketers, etc. My second hypertext website will take a look at some of these fields of work, the struggles single mother's face on a day-to-day basis, along with the hardships it brings to the child. Children are greatly affected when they are raised by only a female figure. They struggle to fit in at school, have a bond with their father (if the parents are just separated), and have enough time for school, extracurricular activities, and family time. In my website I tried to give the view point of children with single mothers, while also providing information for single-mother’s to refer to. Throughout the website there are factual information, but for the most part it is informative for people in the situation along with those who are not in such a situation.
Aspiring Musicians Webpage Summary
Artists of the 21st century have faced many challenges. Although their work is
much appreciated and much admired, they face many hardships and difficulties along the way. Including both stated facts and personal accounts, I have introduced the harsh reality of the saying, "Follow Your Dreams."
This website digs deep into the life of musicians and into my life as a musician as well. Even though the world of music is significantly appreciated, the world needs to understand not only the physical and mental hardships, but the low wage life behind the music and the overcoming of economic obstacles. Dealing with the hardships both mentally and physically is very underestimated both to the musicians themselves and those who experience the music. This webpage goes in to the inside world of the music industry and the true advantages and disadvantages of following your dreams.
Bay Area Garment Workers
Stripper Project Description
It was extremely difficult to find books on strippers, probably because they are not considered worthy enough to write books about. Though with some work and the help of a librarian I found some books in the Stanford library.
I learned a lot about strippers situations as low wage workers. I learned about their deteriorating health because of their workplace conditions, their low self esteem, their low pay, and finally how vulnerable they are because of the nature or their work. I discovered that their is only one unionized strip club in the whole of the US in San Francisco. This illustrates that with a lot of effort strippers can improve their situations, but it is extremely difficult.
I learned a lot about strippers as low wage workers but I also was able to overcome my prejudgement of strippers and come to the conclusion that they deserve the same rights and social justice that every other worker.
tour of carrie's webapge
About my Website - Child Labor in the Chocolate Industry
Entitled "Chocolate and Child Labor" the hypertext shows its reader the hardship the child slaves in West Africa go through all so the consumer can have a bar of chocolate. Their horrendous living conditions and cruel punishment they endure under the wrath of the farmers that 'own' them. In my hypertext however I additionally strived to show the point of view of the different participants in this plight, mainly the families of these children, the cocoa farmers and the United States chocolate companies and the role they each play in the slavery.
My New Site
Check out my site: http://itrs.scu.edu/faculty/mbousquet/spring07/english2/epurner_spr07/Telemarketing/topic%20choice.html